Friday, November 6, 2009

Fly Fishing Equipment

Keep Load Of Fly Fishing Equipment Light And Manageable

There should be more in your pile of fly fishing equipment than a rod, reel, line and a few flies. Consider everything that could go wrong while you are standing in a stream, and probably will, and try to think of all the fly fishing equipment you will need to overcome the challenges. Of course, if you are fishing close to shore and your camp, most of the equipment can be left there, except what will be needed to haul in that large fish you are going to catch.

Some of the more important pieces of fly fishing equipment that every angler will want to have with them include their box of flies, preferably in a waterproof box, a multi-tool with leader nippers, a nail knot tool, a knife blade and connected with a lanyard ring. The vest should have numerous pockets in which to carry several small items without being so big and bulky that interferes with your ability to cast efficiently.

While everyone plans on catching the biggest fish in the water, the net you carry should be of a size for realistic expectations. Remember, you are going to be carrying the fly fishing equipment with you as you walk through water over unseen obstacles. The more you carry to the more your chances of getting wet.

Think About Health While Fishing

There is an old saying about water, water everywhere and this is true while fishing. Make sure you have a water bottle with fresh water as drinking from the stream may be hazardous to your health. There are numerous types of bottles that will fit in with your other fly fishing equipment and can be refilled on every trip back to shore.

Standing in water on a sunny day, regardless of the outside temperature can result in sun burn as well as damage to your eyes from exposure to ultraviolet light. Make sure you pack sunglasses and skin protection to prevent burns. Several pieces of your fly fishing equipment can remain in your vehicle or camp if it is too heavy to attach to your vest or belt. There is no real reason to try to carry everything you own into the water, just what you will use while fishing.

There are floats available that you can sit in to help you remain upright, if you think the water become deeper in parts of the river or stream. These can be useful in new fishing spots to help keep you dry in the event of a sudden increase in the water’s depth.

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